...aims to give children between the ages of two and a half to seven, a solid foundation of basic musical knowledge, which can later be built upon in all areas of chosen music study e.g. instrumental, or music appreciation within the school curriculum structure.
A MUSICAL TERM OR SIGN… explained each week and practically carried out, with the use and aid of musical props, utilising singing, body and hand co-ordination skills relating to a chosen section from an appropriate classical piece e.g. The Blue Danube.
Words to the main themes are sometimes written to form a simple song that the children can learn and act out in the ways set out above.
...the piano, violin, cello, and more are introduced to the children within the classes as a teaching tool, giving each an individual chance to explore certain musical notation, rhythms and other skills, building confidence in instrument preference and understanding of all components.
...are chosen to build confidence in individual and ensemble vocal and performance skills, with and without timed use of un-tuned and tuned instruments (chime-bars), and movement and action songs to develop Eye, Hand, Body and vocal co-ordination.
...The aim of these classes is to encourage children in the art of learning to listen intelligently, while focusing on certain musical features within a musical structure. This in turn increases their chances of enjoying and benefiting from this most important art form in their future development as musicians or any other chosen career.
Children grow friendly towards each other during the sessions and enjoy the social aspect of making music together in a relaxed and informal environment.